We arrived on set around 9:00AM where we met our actress called Zoe who was going to be playing the young girl in "Blitz". We explained what would be happening through the day to her and then we rehearsed with her for around a half hour. We had decided previously that we would shoot the opening sequence in the correct order which made our day easier but did also help with continuity. After rehearsing we got Zoe (young girl) to get into her costume.
Once everything was set we started to prepare for our first shot. This was an establishing shot which was shot using a crane. The crane was lifted above the set looking onto the black. We then prepared the ladder directly above the camera for dust to be dropped to give the effect of an air raid. We did a few takes of this shot as it was tough to get the right speed, right frame but also the right ammount of dust being dropped at the right time. The crane slowly decended and slowly revealed the 1940's bomb shelter, this should create the illusion of going underground.
After the establishing shot we decided to do the tracking shot later but before we destroyed the set. We decided to do a few close ups and mid-close-ups of Zoe writing in her diary. While shooting these shots we recognized the loud fan which was being captured through the mic. Becuase of this we decided to record that sound to help with the continuity of the sound. We got an extreme close-up of the diary, when shooting this we had to think about the continuity of where she is writing on the page, once we had got this right we then did the same for the close-up and for the mid-close up.
We then came up with an idea of having a wide shot showing the shadow of a man opening a door which would be thrown over Zoe. We got a door frame and positioned it, we then got a Blondie (studio light) and positioned it so that the light did not leak out of the frame but also to get the man's shadow projecting over Zoe. This took a while to get the right positions but we thought it paid of in the end. After doing a few takes of this wide shot we then decided to move onto the tracking shot.
We started to set up the track in a straight line from the bed to the shelves.