Before we started filming & editing our music video, we instead drew out a storyboard of what we visualised our shots to look like. We then put our storyboards up on the wall so we could film each 'shot' that was drawn out. We used a Sony NX 5 to shoot them and then we edited all these shots together using Final Cut and synced the shots up to our song. Therefore, we basically had a rough cut of our actual music videos. This proves how media technologies allowed us to get a feel for what our music video would look like and therefore change anything which we didn't thnik fit the song. This was crucial as our storyboard animation allowed us to realise that we had some shots at the end that were too slow and that we did not have enough intense action in our video. We then had time to think about this and establish the changes before the shooting day. Thus, this media technology was a significant part in our pre-production and our music video may not have turned out as well without our storyboard animatic. We researched all of our material using new media technology (Google, Youtube, Flickr).
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